Earth and Space - Earth in space - Sun, Moon & Stars - G6
Development of Target



Associate the seasons with differences in observed temperature
There are different types of weather patterns.
Summer is the time when young living things grow very quickly. Trees are covered in leaves and begin to produce flowers which attract insects.
Animals begin to prepare for Winter in Autumn.
In Winter the temperature is low and it feels cold.


1 Pupils should record the weather conditions on a regular basis. They should note when it is wet or dry, warm or cool, sunny or cloudy, windy or calm.
Information could simply be that day’s record or be kept as a calendar of weather or logged on a spreadsheet.
2 Put pictures into sets to represent the 4 seasons.
3 Talk about changes seen in Spring.
Ask pupils to bring to class any objects which make them think of Summer e.g. sunglasses, sun screen, bucket, spade etc.
4 Discuss Autumn pictures on autumn walk
5 What type of clothes do pupils wear in Winter ? Why do they need these clothes ? Ask pupils to draw a Winter scene