Earth and Space - Earth in space - Sun, Moon & Stars - G6 |
ES-A1.1 |
The South East Earth and Space (SEES) CPD Project has developed a workshop to support teachers in this particular area of science within Environmental Studies. This support is part of the national Improving Science Education (ISE) 5–14 initiative and is a result of the collaborative effort of the SEES consortium. The SEES Consortium consists of representatives from Moray House School of Education at Edinburgh University, Scottish Earth Science Education Forum (SESEF), five local authorities (Scottish Borders, Edinburgh City, West Lothian, Midlothian and East Lothian), Royal Observatory (Edinburgh) Trust (ROE) and Our Dynamic Earth (ODE). Its purpose is that of a National Project aimed at training people throughout Scotland in delivery of the Earth and Space part of the 5-14. Prior to the production of these workshops, the SEES CPD team carried out a programme of research and consultation. This focused on teachers’ needs within the Earth and Space attainment outcomes of the 5-14 Environmental Studies Guidelines, and identifying the features of good quality CPD. In addition, they took advice and received support from many quarters, in particular from representatives of the local authorities, Moray House and SESEF. These workshops and packs will enhance the science teaching already taking place in schools, complementing the existing support materials such as the Renfrewshire Pack, the Borders Pack and others produced through the ISE 5-14 initiative. For more detail on SEES and other aspects of ROE CPD provision contact the Visitor Centre Manager at the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh. Abstracts from the SEES CPD materials for ES-A1.1, ES-A1.2, ES-B1.1 and ES-B1.2 have also been incorporated into relevant sections accessible from the Group 6 target menu. Please note, however, that these materials were developed for delivery as practical training workshops. They were not really designed nor intended for stand-alone use. The body of the Teacher's materials for the Group 6 Workshops can be downloaded from here as a bookmarked pdf file (609 Kb). It is strongly recommended that teachers intending to use these materials wherever practicable obtain training from through local training ISE 5-14 CPD arrangements. Group 6 |