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Living things and the processes of life
 The processes of life

Background Information

In order for sexual reproduction to take place, the male sex cells must reach the female sex cells. In plants, this process is known as pollination.

During pollination, pollen from an anther is transferred to a stigma. When this occurs within one flower, it is called self-pollination.

When it involves pollen from one plant and a stigma from another plant, it is called cross-pollination. Cross-pollination usually occurs when wind, insects or birds carry pollen from a flower on plant to another plant.

Petals are bright and scented to attract insects.Getting the pollen to the female is pretty straightforward. There are two exciting ways it can happen:

Some flowers are pollinated by insects. Insects are attracted to the flowers by their scent and bright coloured petals. They look for nectar and get covered in pollen and carry it to the female stigma.

Some flowers are pollinated by the wind. The long male stamens are blown about and the pollen is carried to the stigma, petals are bright and scented to attract insects.

Complete a table to show the main differences between animal & wind pollination :-

animal pollination wind pollination

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